In a world where the ancient power known as the Flare has faded to myth, Beatrix Arnett is determined to prove herself to her family – a group of anti-monarchist rebels. With the help of her constant feline companion, Sahse, Bea navigates royal tempers, budding romance and shocking betrayals.
Stone Sword begins the first of a new fantasy trilogy by Diana T. Hunter.
Diana T. Hunter graduated from Roehampton University with a BSc in Zoology and an MRes in Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour. She now lives in Rickmansworth with her partner and her faithful writing companions/cats, Suki & Bee. She spends the majority of her time reading, watching fantasy/sci-fi TV & films and, of course, writing.
To stay updated on upcoming books, including the sequel to Stone Sword, you can follow Diana on social media.
Instagram, TikTok and Threads: @bydianahunter