In this stunningly insightful and humours sequel to Finding Joy, Keeping Joy explores the long terms consequences of chronic illness. Through the eyes of Joyce, Aunt Beth and Logan we follow Joyce’s fight to regain her health and her freedom after nearly a decade of being housebound with Lyme disease.
Morven-May MacCallum is the debut author of Finding Joy - an honest, humorous and heart wrenching story of a family's fight against Lyme disease. Since the publication of Finding Joy and the sequel, Keeping Joy, Morven-May has dedicated her life to raising awareness about Lyme disease - an illness that left her housebound and bedbound for over eight years. Morven-May uses her passion for writing to help campaign about Lyme disease at a political level and also by giving talks across Scotland in schools, bookshops, literary and charity events and by speaking on TV and Radio.
You can follow Morven-May’s many events online through the following links:
https://www.facebook.com/morvenmay/ https://twitter.com/MorvenMay